Multivariate methods

Remember you should

  1. A pharmaceutical company has a drug that may help an illness that causes fever (temperature in degrees Celsius), blood pressures, and “aches” (scored on an index). Data is collected for several patients. To determine if the drug actually helps, test for differences in multivariate means for the fever, pressure and aches column, against the grouping variable treatment.
illness <- read.csv("",
                    stringsAsFactors = T)

We will test the multiple outcomes using a MANOVA. This tests the null hypothesis that there is no difference in the vector of mean parameters for the groups.

m <- manova(cbind(fever,pressure,aches)~treatment, illness)
          Df  Pillai approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)    
treatment  1 0.55466   14.115      3     34 3.857e-06 ***
Residuals 36                                             
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The MANOVA shows a significant difference (Pillai’s trace = .55466, p <.001), so we reject the null hypothesis. To follow this up we consider ANOVAs for each trait to determine which ones differ among groups

 Response fever :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
treatment    1 43.973  43.973   34.99 9.02e-07 ***
Residuals   36 45.242   1.257                     
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Response pressure :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
treatment    1  440.9  440.93  2.6871 0.1099
Residuals   36 5907.4  164.09               

 Response aches :
            Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
treatment    1   59.74  59.738  1.6285 0.2101
Residuals   36 1320.58  36.683               

These indicate that only fever differs among groups.

  1. Darlingtonia californica is a partly carnivorous pitcher plant that grows in fens and along seeps and streams in the mountains of Oregon and California. Its pitchers are tubular l eaves with a round hood and a mouth at the base of the hood (see figure below). A “fishtail” appendage hangs from the mouth. Wasps and other prey are attracted to nectar secreted by extrafloral nectaries along the hood, mouth, and fishtail. Plants absorb nutrients excreted by a food web of bacteria, protozoa, mites, and fly larvae that break down the prey.

Measurements of 87 plants from four sites were made by Ellison and Farnsworth (2005, The cost of carnivory for Darlingtonia californica (Sarraceniaceae): evidence from relationships among leaf traits. Am. J. Botany 92: 1085-1093). Their measurements are available using

pitcher <- read.csv("",
                    stringsAsFactors = T)

I obtained them from the web page ( of A. M. Ellison for the book by Gotelli and Ellison (2004, A primer of ecological statistics. Sinauer, Sunderland, Mass.). To simplify, outliers have been removed. Most plant traits in the file are illustrated in the image below, and trait labels are fairly self-explanatory. Keel width measures the span of the pitcher tube. “Wing” traits refer to the lengths of the fishtail appendage.

Photograph of a Darlingtonia californica pitcher with morphological measurements indicated (lower diameter at ground level not shown). Note the translucent hood and the pronounced fishtail appendage attached to the proximal side of the mouth
pitcher_outcomes <- pitcher[,2:13]
pitcher_manova <- manova(as.matrix(pitcher_outcomes)~site, pitcher)
          Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)    
site       3 1.6951   8.0108     36    222 < 2.2e-16 ***
Residuals 83                                            
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
 Response height :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
site         3  35080   11693  1.1618 0.3293
Residuals   83 835341   10064               

 Response mouth_diam :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
site         3 1069.1  356.38  12.902 5.353e-07 ***
Residuals   83 2292.7   27.62                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Response tube_diam :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
site         3 234.95  78.317  9.6701 1.526e-05 ***
Residuals   83 672.21   8.099                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Response keel_diam :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
site         3 141.99  47.329  14.653 9.638e-08 ***
Residuals   83 268.08   3.230                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Response wing1_length :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
site         3  12897  4298.9  11.289 2.76e-06 ***
Residuals   83  31606   380.8                     
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Response wing2_length :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
site         3   7784 2594.56     5.5 0.001702 **
Residuals   83  39154  471.74                    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Response wingsprea :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
site         3  21676  7225.3  6.9585 0.0003108 ***
Residuals   83  86182  1038.3                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Response hoodarea :
            Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
site         3  4015.2 1338.41  6.3842 0.0006031 ***
Residuals   83 17400.4  209.64                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Response wingarea :
            Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
site         3  3115.8 1038.60  7.1171 0.0002592 ***
Residuals   83 12112.2  145.93                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Response tubearea :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
site         3   5507 1835.78  2.9363 0.03805 *
Residuals   83  51892  625.21                  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Response hoodmass_g :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
site         3 3.1075 1.03585  10.439 6.721e-06 ***
Residuals   83 8.2362 0.09923                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Response tubemass_g :
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
site         3 19.305  6.4349    6.39 0.0005991 ***
Residuals   83 83.583  1.0070                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Noticed I scaled the data here since some groups have more/less variation and are measured in different units.

     height        mouth_diam      tube_diam       keel_diam     
 Min.   :322.0   Min.   :13.60   Min.   :14.30   Min.   : 1.600  
 1st Qu.:545.5   1st Qu.:27.30   1st Qu.:17.70   1st Qu.: 5.000  
 Median :625.0   Median :31.50   Median :19.80   Median : 6.100  
 Mean   :615.6   Mean   :30.88   Mean   :20.05   Mean   : 6.399  
 3rd Qu.:671.0   3rd Qu.:34.50   3rd Qu.:21.00   3rd Qu.: 7.200  
 Max.   :845.0   Max.   :49.30   Max.   :30.00   Max.   :14.800  
  wing1_length     wing2_length      wingsprea         hoodarea     
 Min.   : 10.00   Min.   : 16.00   Min.   : 22.00   Min.   : 13.81  
 1st Qu.: 58.00   1st Qu.: 56.50   1st Qu.: 70.00   1st Qu.: 35.31  
 Median : 70.00   Median : 70.00   Median : 86.00   Median : 46.18  
 Mean   : 73.26   Mean   : 72.36   Mean   : 91.66   Mean   : 47.56  
 3rd Qu.: 85.00   3rd Qu.: 83.50   3rd Qu.:112.50   3rd Qu.: 56.30  
 Max.   :148.00   Max.   :152.00   Max.   :199.00   Max.   :104.04  
    wingarea        tubearea        hoodmass_g       tubemass_g   
 Min.   : 2.03   Min.   : 29.57   Min.   :0.2200   Min.   :0.680  
 1st Qu.:14.36   1st Qu.: 69.40   1st Qu.:0.5600   1st Qu.:1.995  
 Median :19.89   Median : 89.15   Median :0.7600   Median :2.920  
 Mean   :23.21   Mean   : 87.43   Mean   :0.8101   Mean   :2.882  
 3rd Qu.:27.59   3rd Qu.:103.00   3rd Qu.:1.0250   3rd Qu.:3.505  
 Max.   :77.09   Max.   :187.27   Max.   :1.9300   Max.   :5.890  
pitcher_pca <- rda(pitcher_outcomes, scale=T)

rda(X = pitcher_outcomes, scale = T) 

Partitioning of correlations:
              Inertia Proportion
Total              12          1
Unconstrained      12          1

Eigenvalues, and their contribution to the correlations 

Importance of components:
                         PC1    PC2    PC3     PC4     PC5     PC6     PC7
Eigenvalue            6.0387 2.2926 1.5593 0.63927 0.44024 0.27999 0.25489
Proportion Explained  0.5032 0.1910 0.1299 0.05327 0.03669 0.02333 0.02124
Cumulative Proportion 0.5032 0.6943 0.8242 0.87748 0.91417 0.93750 0.95874
                          PC8     PC9     PC10     PC11     PC12
Eigenvalue            0.17288 0.14335 0.092922 0.057404 0.028523
Proportion Explained  0.01441 0.01195 0.007744 0.004784 0.002377
Cumulative Proportion 0.97315 0.98510 0.992839 0.997623 1.000000

Scaling 2 for species and site scores
* Species are scaled proportional to eigenvalues
* Sites are unscaled: weighted dispersion equal on all dimensions
* General scaling constant of scores:  5.667871 

Species scores

                 PC1      PC2      PC3      PC4      PC5      PC6
height       -1.1643 -0.95368  0.23353  0.28433 -0.40067  0.15695
mouth_diam   -1.3498 -0.10307  0.53362 -0.29479  0.35038  0.30827
tube_diam    -0.1513 -1.02639 -1.06379 -0.09076  0.48719 -0.43845
keel_diam     0.5582 -0.85222 -0.86751 -0.77983 -0.39166  0.33991
wing1_length -1.3002  0.72306 -0.29384 -0.23501 -0.18980 -0.09135
wing2_length -1.2168  0.68270 -0.57917 -0.02279 -0.35568 -0.17562
wingsprea    -0.9352  0.67747 -0.88936  0.41005  0.11292  0.30465
hoodarea     -1.4402 -0.30399 -0.01017 -0.07542  0.49798  0.26424
wingarea     -1.3941  0.58219 -0.41932 -0.00920 -0.02980 -0.05794
tubearea     -1.0507 -1.09046 -0.15821  0.51083 -0.12765  0.03247
hoodmass_g   -1.3095  0.07561  0.51625 -0.65995  0.04898 -0.20154
tubemass_g   -1.3311 -0.60281  0.52025  0.03302 -0.24827 -0.27434

Site scores (weighted sums of species scores)

             PC1      PC2      PC3       PC4        PC5       PC6
sit1  -0.4463924  0.04766  0.79651 -1.054843 -0.0870049  0.335005
sit2   1.0632800  0.47916  0.42089 -0.119629  0.3613301 -0.247938
sit3   0.4386730  0.10924  0.13222 -0.184173 -0.0890179  0.075499
sit4  -0.1661331  0.29206 -0.03427 -0.712293  0.4491643 -0.439535
sit5   0.3304689 -0.63223  0.59247  0.079716 -0.5914151 -0.735484
sit6  -0.3799725 -0.28525  0.39815 -0.429037 -0.2000534 -0.225961
sit7  -0.3916880 -0.57755  0.31489 -1.060107  0.6798062 -0.519512
sit8  -0.0872208  0.11243 -0.13918  0.472610 -0.3446415 -0.130392
sit9   0.6816717 -0.06759 -0.17840 -0.236907 -0.0438359 -0.171646
sit10 -0.3255634 -0.69190  1.06871 -0.482034  0.4828406  0.184721
sit11  0.8034244  0.01429  0.35956 -0.876686  0.9733306  0.320842
sit12 -0.7595912  0.43638 -0.10189 -0.912732  0.9836053  0.143740
sit13 -1.0031435 -0.13357 -0.03894 -0.391550 -0.2840587  0.273339
sit14 -0.2806476 -0.38673  0.74999 -1.082411  0.1679918  0.241718
sit15  0.1381739 -0.39591  0.58624 -0.030995  1.1319188  0.778462
sit16  0.6670847  0.22010  0.73802  0.082469  0.6924330  0.453134
sit17 -0.2175254 -0.28696  0.55793  0.214797 -0.3622401  0.778094
sit18  0.2111235  0.38335 -0.30553  0.212128  0.7100999  0.380937
sit19  0.5075660 -0.17979 -0.05746  0.511997 -0.5220202 -0.850809
sit20  0.0617287 -0.31374  0.23245  0.449793 -0.0306993 -0.077435
sit21 -0.1762105 -0.17153  0.20731  0.236427 -0.2415121  0.636271
sit22  0.3895824 -0.68817 -0.21368 -0.670757 -0.0133626 -0.448295
sit23  0.7597897 -1.47935  0.32618  0.466748  1.2094533 -1.493809
sit24  0.5820916  0.25051 -0.18916 -0.420591 -0.5091079  0.715202
sit25  0.4175885 -0.89406  0.51579  0.604205 -0.4564758  0.259361
sit26 -0.5162329 -0.03560  0.21041  0.758770 -0.9719342 -0.078193
sit27 -0.6874618  0.16528 -0.23048 -0.145259 -0.6574611 -0.540882
sit28  0.0844907 -0.83030  0.84730  0.025341 -0.7203106 -0.905834
sit29 -0.3639010  0.08398  0.40438 -0.114736 -0.2829802 -1.022799
sit30  0.2092140  0.33223  0.33383 -0.281520 -0.5847517 -0.287617
sit31 -0.7094872 -0.33309 -0.17645  0.038312 -1.2697983 -0.555526
sit32 -0.3247773  0.08040  0.31726 -0.452421 -0.3123298 -0.184047
sit33  0.3397863  0.98893 -0.17209 -0.320579  0.5824703 -0.006482
sit34 -0.5845362 -0.27480  0.66265 -0.362946  0.0002129 -0.376642
sit35 -0.3572606  1.04672  0.05764 -0.298637 -0.6573240 -0.203199
sit36 -0.2667667  0.50878  0.06541 -0.452741 -0.3111447 -0.686467
sit37 -0.5677158  0.27752  0.06170 -0.728231 -0.4752313 -0.829873
sit38  0.5229252  0.54024 -0.17909 -0.065267 -0.1945776  0.189681
sit39 -0.0013364  0.80816 -0.13455 -0.018343 -0.0410862  0.391301
sit40 -0.5388902 -1.13087  1.26171 -0.047454 -1.0441887 -0.668788
sit41 -0.2467531  1.14060  0.66910 -0.573901  0.0146463  0.332846
sit42  0.4549990  0.42063 -0.10218 -0.856017  0.6250215 -0.270708
sit43 -0.1239053  0.40831  0.29145 -0.371215 -0.3167318  0.356128
sit44 -0.1669593  0.75504  0.93458  0.624792  0.4268282  0.101325
sit45  0.4288170 -0.27499 -0.17573 -2.222507 -1.7711028  2.378105
sit46  0.3411268  0.32102  0.69979 -0.390182  0.1043059 -0.594431
sit47  0.6208401  0.62623  1.25634  0.137758  0.4047325 -0.285599
sit48  0.1931513  0.44505  0.64189 -0.001985 -0.3186258 -0.602631
sit49 -0.1224239  0.25412  0.94560  0.191226  0.1844349  0.531529
sit50 -0.2202620  0.19981  0.53275  0.010767 -0.3077867 -0.109635
sit51  0.8917147  0.02203  0.06410 -0.439493  0.5206997 -0.369146
sit52 -0.0500368 -0.35043  0.24503  0.062231  0.4307627  0.651150
sit53 -0.1877315 -0.58397  0.59962  0.501188  0.5327591  1.182568
sit54 -0.6434479  0.93835 -0.12122  0.419734 -0.7328652  0.051323
sit55 -0.9655902  0.76333 -0.63653  1.590712 -0.2336204  0.966367
sit56 -0.6095791 -0.19369  0.35361  0.609574  0.0675414 -0.955165
sit57 -0.1637258 -0.54635  0.70509  1.868968  0.0093444  0.293474
sit58  0.0811023  0.11102  0.27559  0.731463  0.6025209  1.179412
sit59 -0.2263622 -0.29279 -1.06919  0.452795  1.7155293 -0.943129
sit60 -0.3437170 -0.05901 -0.15968  0.355757  0.0777497 -0.696393
sit61 -0.1269513  0.25833 -0.29434  0.768799  0.2236760  0.109182
sit62 -0.1611561 -0.78416 -0.31557 -0.400971  0.6635208  0.607628
sit63  1.1077018  1.12820  0.12538  0.199203  0.7324537  0.040404
sit64 -0.0706639 -0.31781 -0.28904  0.864513 -0.6646166  0.272227
sit65  0.1664669  0.26363 -0.70956  0.813948 -0.2342168  0.627288
sit66  0.5394657  1.08518  0.32806  1.362784 -0.0030909  0.112026
sit67 -0.3158841 -0.69456 -0.89648  0.118303  0.1763827 -0.045813
sit68  0.7171084  0.46154 -0.54202  0.181813  0.1222254 -0.471115
sit69  0.0004532  0.49471 -0.46819  0.323250  0.5553126  0.509247
sit70 -0.2681351  0.44464 -0.47120  0.182249 -0.4531224 -0.044631
sit71 -0.0843833  0.14298 -0.53371  0.135497  0.6208439  1.058486
sit72 -1.1261616  0.32014  0.29980  0.657098 -0.0572245  0.325422
sit73 -1.6046603  1.17904 -1.27249 -0.552834  0.3197890 -0.419779
sit74 -2.0139236  0.23599 -0.89121 -0.173690  0.1562039 -0.675486
sit75 -1.7543157 -1.48957 -0.72403  0.142786  1.5671974  0.413141
sit76  0.6965810 -0.44968 -0.89687  0.225599 -0.7381074 -0.324791
sit77  0.6040848 -0.75733 -1.01652  0.372706 -1.2037617 -0.408366
sit78  0.9358270  0.29392 -0.43741  0.230137 -0.4547464 -0.598805
sit79 -0.0025734 -2.03491 -0.65786 -0.113113 -0.3848851  1.109784
sit80  0.2355288 -0.05073 -1.32836 -0.062861 -0.3406334  0.278353
sit81  0.8757834 -0.18870 -1.63886 -0.442544 -0.1753669 -0.402537
sit82  0.4224307  0.43504 -1.16942 -0.626329 -0.2335106 -0.121773
sit83  0.6657932 -0.51662 -0.89376 -0.649431  0.7968785 -0.678728
sit84  0.8054656 -0.22045 -0.88613  0.148910 -0.2246859  0.056510
sit85  0.8557207 -0.89255 -0.13112  0.682129 -0.3729357  0.461634
sit86  0.3009114 -0.31308 -0.38347  0.015390  0.5723651  0.609030
sit87  0.6020202  0.47404  0.07596  0.694564 -0.1281819 -0.066068

pca_data <-$cont)))
pca_data$PC <- 1: nrow(pca_data)
pca_data$Proportion_Explained <-pca_data$"Proportion Explained"
pca_data$Cumulative <-pca_data$"Cumulative Proportion"
ggplot(pca_data, aes(x=PC,y=Proportion_Explained, group=1))+
  labs(title="Scree plot: PCA on scaled data") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = which(pca_data$Cumulative > .80)[1]) +
  geom_text(aes(which(Cumulative > .80)[1],.3,
            label = paste(Cumulative[which(Cumulative > .80)[1]]*100, 
                          "% \n of variation explained"))) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1/nrow(pca_data), linetype="dotted")+
  geom_text(aes(y= 1/nrow(pca_data), x=2, label = "broken stick \n line"))
Warning in geom_text(aes(which(Cumulative > 0.8)[1], 0.3, label = paste(Cumulative[which(Cumulative > : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 12 rows.
ℹ Did you mean to use `annotate()`?
Warning in geom_text(aes(y = 1/nrow(pca_data), x = 2, label = "broken stick \n line")): All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 12 rows.
ℹ Did you mean to use `annotate()`?

Multiple methods suggest we should retain first 3 PC (they explain >80% of variance, form elbow in scree plot, and would be selected using broken stick approach).

                    PC1         PC2         PC3          PC4         PC5
height       -1.1643428 -0.95367637  0.23352889  0.284330991 -0.40067325
mouth_diam   -1.3497724 -0.10307217  0.53362181 -0.294794469  0.35038393
tube_diam    -0.1513386 -1.02639333 -1.06379060 -0.090757278  0.48718590
keel_diam     0.5582436 -0.85222211 -0.86751464 -0.779825245 -0.39165963
wing1_length -1.3001889  0.72306489 -0.29383753 -0.235012920 -0.18979581
wing2_length -1.2168443  0.68270351 -0.57917053 -0.022790217 -0.35568359
wingsprea    -0.9352076  0.67746718 -0.88936229  0.410054974  0.11292338
hoodarea     -1.4401785 -0.30398796 -0.01016784 -0.075423616  0.49797720
wingarea     -1.3940507  0.58219309 -0.41931938 -0.009200049 -0.02980016
tubearea     -1.0507264 -1.09045742 -0.15821104  0.510832669 -0.12764686
hoodmass_g   -1.3094841  0.07560727  0.51625102 -0.659950440  0.04897506
tubemass_g   -1.3310526 -0.60280534  0.52025395  0.033022124 -0.24826759
height        0.15695312
mouth_diam    0.30826618
tube_diam    -0.43844844
keel_diam     0.33991294
wing1_length -0.09135393
wing2_length -0.17561592
wingsprea     0.30465108
hoodarea      0.26424106
wingarea     -0.05793657
tubearea      0.03246665
hoodmass_g   -0.20153729
tubemass_g   -0.27433695

Wing (wingarea, wing1_length, wing2_length) and hoodarea appear to be driving PC1. PC is focus on tube measurements.

biplot(pitcher_pca, choices = c(1,2), type = c("text", "points"), xlim = c(-5,10), scale=0,
       main= "Correlation biplot (scale = 0)") # biplot of axis 1 vs 2
Warning in plot.window(...): "scale" is not a graphical parameter
Warning in plot.xy(xy, type, ...): "scale" is not a graphical parameter
Warning in axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...): "scale" is not a
graphical parameter

Warning in axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...): "scale" is not a
graphical parameter
Warning in box(...): "scale" is not a graphical parameter
Warning in title(...): "scale" is not a graphical parameter

  1. Using the same plant dataset, use linear discriminant analysis to classify the various sites
pitcher_lda <-pitcher[,1:13]
da_ca <- lda(site ~ ., pitcher_lda)
        Length Class  Mode     
prior    4     -none- numeric  
counts   4     -none- numeric  
means   48     -none- numeric  
scaling 36     -none- numeric  
lev      4     -none- character
svd      3     -none- numeric  
N        1     -none- numeric  
call     3     -none- call     
terms    3     terms  call     
xlevels  0     -none- list     
Predictions <- predict(da_ca,pitcher_lda)
table(Predictions$class, pitcher_lda$site)
  DG  23  0   0   2
  HD   0 11   0   0
  LEH  0  1  24   0
  TJH  2  0   1  23
ldahist(data = Predictions$x[,1], g=pitcher_lda$site)

ldahist(data = Predictions$x[,2], g=pitcher_lda$site)

  1. Using the same plant dataset, use cluster analysis to determine how many clusters are supported by the data.
library(cluster)    # clustering algorithms
fviz_nbclust(pitcher_outcomes, kmeans, method = "silhouette")

Data only support 2 clusters (but we had 4 sites!). Note we don’t see clear break among sites in graph either.

final <- kmeans(pitcher_outcomes, 2, nstart = 25)
K-means clustering with 2 clusters of sizes 53, 34

Cluster means:
    height mouth_diam tube_diam keel_diam wing1_length wing2_length wingsprea
1 679.6226   33.65094  20.40755  6.207547     77.37736     76.37736  95.67925
2 515.8824   26.55588  19.49412  6.697059     66.85294     66.08824  85.38235
  hoodarea wingarea  tubearea hoodmass_g tubemass_g
1 54.68491 26.71642 101.05679  0.9333962   3.464906
2 36.46529 17.75353  66.17559  0.6179412   1.972647

Clustering vector:
 [1] 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2
[39] 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
[77] 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2

Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:
[1] 395968.5 175725.5
 (between_SS / total_SS =  51.1 %)

Available components:

[1] "cluster"      "centers"      "totss"        "withinss"     "tot.withinss"
[6] "betweenss"    "size"         "iter"         "ifault"      
fviz_cluster(final, data = pitcher_outcomes)

#compare to other information

pitcher$cluster <- factor(final$cluster)
pitcher$PC1 <-$site)$PC1
pitcher$PC2 <-$site)$PC2
ggplot(pitcher, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, shape=site, color=cluster, group=cluster)) +
  geom_point() +

  1. The data for this exercise are rodent species abundance from 28 sites in California (Bolger et al. 1997, Response of rodents to habitat fragmentation in coastal Southern California, Ecological Applications 7: 552–563).

This data comes from the (website)[ of Quinn and Keough (2002, Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK). Data is available via

rodents <- read.csv("", 
                    stringsAsFactors = T)

The 9 species are indicated by variable (column) names. Genus abbreviations are: Rt (Rattus), Rs (Reithrodontomys), Mus (Mus), Pm (Peromyscus), Pg (Perognathus), N (Neotoma) and M (Microtus). Rattus and Mus are invasive species, whereas the others are native.

rodents_cca <- cca(rodents[,-1])

cca(X = rodents[, -1]) 

Partitioning of scaled Chi-square:
              Inertia Proportion
Total           1.719          1
Unconstrained   1.719          1

Eigenvalues, and their contribution to the scaled Chi-square 

Importance of components:
                         CA1    CA2    CA3     CA4     CA5     CA6      CA7
Eigenvalue            0.7463 0.4591 0.2876 0.15278 0.03567 0.02458 0.011345
Proportion Explained  0.4341 0.2670 0.1673 0.08886 0.02074 0.01430 0.006599
Cumulative Proportion 0.4341 0.7011 0.8684 0.95721 0.97795 0.99225 0.998847
Eigenvalue            0.001982
Proportion Explained  0.001153
Cumulative Proportion 1.000000

Scaling 2 for species and site scores
* Species are scaled proportional to eigenvalues
* Sites are unscaled: weighted dispersion equal on all dimensions

Species scores

                    CA1      CA2      CA3      CA4       CA5       CA6
Rt.rattus        2.6062  5.29874 -0.04857 -0.20529  0.030064 -0.003758
Mus.musculus     2.2895 -0.77463  0.09027  0.02397 -0.006747  0.002850
Pm.californicus -0.3071  0.05080 -0.13409  0.35500 -0.063215  0.011530
Pm.eremicus     -0.4133  0.02486  1.14724 -0.27566 -0.023139 -0.177492
Rs.megalotis    -0.3156 -0.04209 -0.06907 -0.13316  0.532798  0.211411
N.fuscipes      -0.2733 -0.07662 -0.52447 -0.42972  0.118793 -0.153441
N.lepida        -0.4467  0.02780  1.35632 -0.41923 -0.044516  0.771731
Pg.fallax       -0.2746 -0.10305 -0.94290 -1.12163 -0.429545  0.193050
M.californicus  -0.3839 -0.01687  0.44567 -0.65496 -0.744677  0.261514

Site scores (weighted averages of species scores)

           CA1       CA2      CA3      CA4      CA5      CA6
sit1   1.84681 -1.098735  0.13919  0.03544  0.65872 -0.40955
sit2  -0.45410  0.028388  1.47538 -0.54050 -0.32520 -1.03226
sit3  -0.13106 -0.087277 -0.63582  1.12198 -0.09235 -0.42415
sit4  -0.27507 -0.091636 -1.13823 -0.98046 -1.75568  0.41337
sit5  -0.37103  0.009339  0.20537  0.47983  0.81371 -1.12508
sit6  -0.44178  0.027407  1.27694 -0.33839  0.14261  1.97439
sit7   3.06766 -1.687336  0.31393  0.15686 -0.18917  0.11596
sit8   3.06766 -1.687336  0.31393  0.15686 -0.18917  0.11596
sit9   3.18338  1.920675  0.18225 -0.25239  0.09231  0.04264
sit10  3.20909  2.722455  0.15299 -0.34334  0.15486  0.02634
sit11  3.06766 -1.687336  0.31393  0.15686 -0.18917  0.11596
sit12 -0.05491 -0.301609 -1.65187 -3.06119  1.29183 -0.03379
sit13 -0.16717 -0.081410 -0.67420  0.91543  0.50579 -0.36864
sit14  3.17373  1.620007  0.19322 -0.21829  0.06885  0.04875
sit15  3.06766 -1.687336  0.31393  0.15686 -0.18917  0.11596
sit16  3.06766 -1.687336  0.31393  0.15686 -0.18917  0.11596
sit17  3.49195 11.542037 -0.16891 -1.34374  0.84291 -0.15289
sit18 -0.34063  0.010235 -0.71108  0.96386  0.08532  0.61901
sit19 -0.41150  0.110658 -0.46632  2.32364 -1.77238  0.46910
sit20 -0.03833  1.215098 -0.29380  1.83557 -1.48304  0.16083
sit21  3.35052  7.132246 -0.00796 -0.84354  0.49888 -0.06327
sit22  3.06766 -1.687336  0.31393  0.15686 -0.18917  0.11596
sit23 -0.37591 -0.163960 -1.80243 -3.24399  2.70293 -1.41928
sit24  3.49195 11.542037 -0.16891 -1.34374  0.84291 -0.15289
sit25  3.06766 -1.687336  0.31393  0.15686 -0.18917  0.11596
sit26 -0.39476  0.004274 -1.05370  0.15706 -0.75548 -1.21836
sit27 -0.40460  0.011545 -0.72691  0.53089  2.36564  1.04667
sit28 -0.41957  0.082820 -0.20812  1.55161 -1.25349 -0.73110

It appears that invasive species (Rattus rattus and Muscus musculus) are driving the loadings.

                       CA1         CA2         CA3         CA4         CA5
Rt.rattus        2.6061989  5.29874422 -0.04857056 -0.20529314  0.03006368
Mus.musculus     2.2895378 -0.77462586  0.09027392  0.02396537 -0.00674700
Pm.californicus -0.3071181  0.05080108 -0.13409430  0.35500013 -0.06321493
Pm.eremicus     -0.4132524  0.02486477  1.14723516 -0.27565948 -0.02313896
Rs.megalotis    -0.3155994 -0.04208708 -0.06906776 -0.13316240  0.53279757
N.fuscipes      -0.2732769 -0.07662170 -0.52446997 -0.42971810  0.11879332
N.lepida        -0.4467095  0.02779902  1.35631782 -0.41923277 -0.04451588
Pg.fallax       -0.2746243 -0.10305312 -0.94289792 -1.12162708 -0.42954482
M.californicus  -0.3838821 -0.01686660  0.44566658 -0.65495633 -0.74467657
Rt.rattus       -0.003757729
Mus.musculus     0.002850040
Pm.californicus  0.011529890
Pm.eremicus     -0.177492479
Rs.megalotis     0.211411033
N.fuscipes      -0.153441047
N.lepida         0.771730556
Pg.fallax        0.193049692
M.californicus   0.261513923
              CA1          CA2          CA3         CA4         CA5         CA6
sit1   1.84681376 -1.098735409  0.139189335  0.03544107  0.65872436 -0.40954944
sit2  -0.45409654  0.028387729  1.475378220 -0.54050126 -0.32520013 -1.03226268
sit3  -0.13106453 -0.087277026 -0.635820733  1.12197796 -0.09235328 -0.42414574
sit4  -0.27506595 -0.091636366 -1.138230154 -0.98045754 -1.75567536  0.41337133
sit5  -0.37103128  0.009338973  0.205367912  0.47983474  0.81370883 -1.12508461
sit6  -0.44178475  0.027406546  1.276944215 -0.33838712  0.14260695  1.97439271
sit7   3.06766380 -1.687335649  0.313930805  0.15686425 -0.18916846  0.11595600
sit8   3.06766380 -1.687335649  0.313930805  0.15686425 -0.18916846  0.11595600
sit9   3.18337708  1.920674958  0.182248070 -0.25239060  0.09230693  0.04263546
sit10  3.20909115  2.722455092  0.152985239 -0.34333613  0.15485702  0.02634201
sit11  3.06766380 -1.687335649  0.313930805  0.15686425 -0.18916846  0.11595600
sit12 -0.05490512 -0.301609274 -1.651874915 -3.06118525  1.29183391 -0.03378661
sit13 -0.16716877 -0.081410397 -0.674199522  0.91543170  0.50578546 -0.36864212
sit14  3.17373431  1.620007407  0.193221631 -0.21828603  0.06885065  0.04874550
sit15  3.06766380 -1.687335649  0.313930805  0.15686425 -0.18916846  0.11595600
sit16  3.06766380 -1.687335649  0.313930805  0.15686425 -0.18916846  0.11595600
sit17  3.49194583 11.542036575 -0.168905891 -1.34373689  0.84290798 -0.15288597
sit18 -0.34062887  0.010234699 -0.711080679  0.96386393  0.08531798  0.61901315
sit19 -0.41149579  0.110657901 -0.466317773  2.32363717 -1.77238336  0.46910209
sit20 -0.03833064  1.215097902 -0.293798251  1.83557020 -1.48304462  0.16082859
sit21  3.35051849  7.132245834 -0.007960326 -0.84353651  0.49888250 -0.06327198
sit22  3.06766380 -1.687335649  0.313930805  0.15686425 -0.18916846  0.11595600
sit23 -0.37590517 -0.163960086 -1.802433393 -3.24399470  2.70292869 -1.41927763
sit24  3.49194583 11.542036575 -0.168905891 -1.34373689  0.84290798 -0.15288597
sit25  3.06766380 -1.687335649  0.313930805  0.15686425 -0.18916846  0.11595600
sit26 -0.39475743  0.004274291 -1.053697437  0.15706278 -0.75548148 -1.21835714
sit27 -0.40459817  0.011545310 -0.726914344  0.53088842  2.36563584  1.04666752
sit28 -0.41956768  0.082819918 -0.208124105  1.55161291 -1.25349435 -0.73110448